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People staying at Maesymeillion Farm Camping that have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)


If a you, any member of your family or any member of your group is displaying signs of the coronavirus (COVID-19) virus while staying at our premises, you should inform a member of staff immediately and self-isolate where you are to minimise any risk of transmission.  Testing should be undertaken to determine that it is actually Covid19 through visiting a drive through testing station which is located in Carmarthen Show Ring in Carmarthen.  Please ring 119 between 7am and 11pm.


If you are confirmed to have coronavirus (COVID-19), you should return home if you reasonably can. You should use private transport but only drive yourself if you can do so safely. If you cannot reasonably return home (for example because you are not well enough to travel or do not have the means to arrange transport), your circumstances should be discussed with a member of staff who may appoint an appropriate health care professional and, if necessary, the local authority.


The site owner and you should discuss the next steps as soon as possible. If you are unable to return home, you should self-isolate in your accommodation if possible, or if not speak to the site owner who may allocate some accommodation for you.  Issues relating to meals, laundry, food ordering, etc. should be discussed to ensure that you have the basic needs during your stay.


Guests will be expected to pay the costs of an extended stay and this will be provided to you once Covid 19 has been determined.


We ask all guests to provide any information relating to Covid 19 as soon as any symptoms are showing.


If any member of your group has been self isolating in the past four weeks, we ask that you inform the site owner upon arrival so that measures can be taken to ensure the protection of all members of staff and guests.


It is only by working together in an open and honest way, with movement for alterations during your visit that you can help us to help you have a good stay with us.


We appreciate that at the moment that things are still very much in the air here in Wales, however, we will try our utmost to try to accommodate your needs.


Thank you for your support.  Maesymeillion Farm Chris and Mike.


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