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"A Cross Between Faulty Towers and Carry On Camping"


Before we explain the above statement lets have a look at the definition of Camping.


"Camping is an outdoor activity involving overnight stays away from home in a tent or a recreational vehicle.  Typically participants leave developed areas to spend time outdoors in more natural areas in pursuit of activities providing them enjoyment or an educational experience".


That is not to say that it is a truly basic experience and times are definitely changing, but it is not always possible to offer a pristine site where everything is spick and span and everything works like clockwork.  That is why we like to describe the site as a cross between Faulty Towers and Carry On Camping.   Things do go wrong, we are not a site where every blade of grass is the same length (there are those sites around), we like our campers to come to use our facilities and feel like it is a home from home, where nothing is too much trouble and where we will try to meet your needs.  We like to think ahead for you (such as when rain is coming in or winds will be blowing) so that we can protect you and your property.  You can often see us during busy times running to sort out something (lets face it camping isn't camping unless something exciting happens on site)


We are always on site and are continuingly talking to our campers to help them with their every needs.  We are completely off the wall so dont expect prim and proper.  We talk with accents, have a few drinks on sunny nights, trip over usually in front of campers, (although we have had a couple of the flip flop wearers doing the same), occasionally use a couple of not so well chosen words (@*~# uppps),  and generally have to laugh at the things we get up to during camping season.


Life is never perfect, things happen (often at the most inconvenient times - if only to embarrass us and give campers something else to laugh at).


We like to think of ourselves as fun loving, approachable, considerate, customer focused and helpful to everyone who comes to stay with us.


However, due to busy periods we may not be able to provide everything that some people want in the timescale they would wish.  After all we are only human.  But if trying was an Olympic sport I would say that all of our staff would be gold medalists for sure.


We will always try to do things immediately but as you may appreciate this may not always be possible. 


Every member of staff will literally try their hardest to help out and support your needs, so please feel free to ask us questions, give us the chance to fulfil your needs and also enable us to put things right if you feel they are not up to your standards (as remember we may not be aware of your needs or the fact that there is an issue unless it is raised with us).


Things do however occasionally go wrong (usually when you are in a busy period and when things are wanted the most (typical eh?)).  Such issues are usually the joy and par for course when camping. 


Such things can happen so dont be surprised such as:


  • Showers run cold sometimes (boy does this wake you up)

  • Toilets do not flush on occasions (especially when children have put things down them or someone leaves a larger than anticipated deposit)

  • Toilet rolls are missing when you left them behind (peaky little blinders)

  • Water does not come out of taps if we have a pump breakdown (remember this is a rural location and things like that are usual in the country.  I know, I know this is Wales, probably the wettest place in the UK so you would think this would not be possible

  • Drainage tanks get full (we will leave you to use your own imagination on that one).  However, be warned because whatever goes into the tank has to be pumped out when full, so we will warn you of which way the wind is blowing on tank emptying days

  • Dogs leave poos in places no one had noticed or even imaged at times.  They are pretty much like ninja warriors - leaving something where you would least expect.  Its as though they wait in anticipation just counting down for the most embarrassing moment to arrive (such as when walking them over to the tent, during the time you have just turned your back to take a bite of your burger or a slurp of your wine, slipping the lead and taking off at break neck speed to the most posh van or tent on the site - they do like to be friendly).  All of this is so embarrassing for the owners, whilst simple joy for others (as they laugh at the irony of it all) or annoyance of those who were sat quietly enjoying life when the dog has just visited

  • Other campers push their luck with space or their own needs meaning that you get crushed into a smaller space

  • Water creating havoc in rainy times especially in gateways (although to be honest our land drains very quickly)

  • Winds blowing over the site (the direction of which is not known until they come in).  Although we do go around and tie the tents and awnings down when that happens.  

  • The sun not shining for as long as you would wish or is too hot  (no we dont have a direct link to the higher order at present, however, we remain optimistic)

  • Delivery drivers coming down to the Motorcycle Shop (big noisy things they are)

  • Air tents going down in the middle of the night 

  • Electricity going down when a farmer a few miles down the road has just hit the overhead power cables with his machinery (and yes that does happen in summer time when they are making silage or hay.  Or as once happened to us the baling machine caught fire under the main electric cables on site 


If watching us get into different situations does not give you some form of entertainment, fear not because that role will always be picked up by another camper/camping group/camping family.  Such things as those listed below keeps the ethos alive and often gives us something to giggle about with those involved including campers:


  • Forgetting either the tent or part of the tent with people standing in a confused state

  • Getting slightly drunk and in trying to tell us how happy they are to be on holiday they slur words so we dont understand much

  • Putting their feet up only to find that the chair eats them alive and they fall off

  • Sending the husband to find out where the facilities are and then finding the women going into the mens totally unaware

  • Wanting something about 9.00 pm at night, only to realise that you have to go to Aberystwyth to find it or ask the owners very nicely if you can borrow it until the next day

  • Wearing flip flops and then going break dancing right in front of a member or staff or other campers


Still everyone has a great time and have lots of stories to tell.


All we want is for you to have a great time here with us and we will try our hardest to make it happen for you.
























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